Circe – Experimental Platform for Dance and Theatre and Embassy of Israel in Georgia present short experimental film:
“The purpose of birth is learning
The purpose of learning is to grasp the Divine
The purpose of apprehending the Divine
is to maintain the endurance of one who apprehends
with the joy of apprehending”
The 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet “Shin” consists of several letters. It is formed from three symmetrical lines running from bottom to top. In Gematria, Shin represents the number 300. The decomposition of its namesake, Shin [300] – Yodh [10] – Nunh [50], gives the geometric meaning of 360, denoting 360, a complete cycle, and also a complete circle. And in another meaning, Shin means a lie. The letter is found on Mezuzah, in which the Bible’s text is written on a parchment scroll. The text in Mezuzah is the prayer of Shema Yisrael, calling on the Israelites to love their God with all their heart, soul and strength. The Mezuzah is placed on all the door frames of the buildings. It is also a symbol of change and grace that is born in the eyes of human-being meaning that everything is fine, and if it is reflected in the mirror of the world then it is a way of changing, the path of humanity changes for the better.
-Who am I now? A Biological creature that carries death? What was I doing before? What Should I do next? What are my hidden treasures? What can I believe and what can not? Maybe I am really reborn and this birth is a transition from the unconscious to the conscious? This might be a way of personal transformation.-
In order to create something new from an existing object, you need to deconstruct it, and then try to create something new. Each new is the end of something old.
The deconstruction of the three lines of the 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet “Shin” corresponds to the three colors of Bauhaus. The movement of the lines creates a different structure. By moving the given shapes in a circle, the game starts and different objects are created which are formed while moving together with the dancer.
The line (leg) of the three letters of the 21st letter of the Hebrew alphabet “Shin” corresponds to the three colors of Bauhaus. Their movement creates a different structure. By moving the given shapes in a circle, the game starts in space and different objects are created which are formed while moving together with the dancer.
The architecture of human nature is the main plot of the film. The girl who stands in Moebius at the stairs represents
Creative team:
Director: Maka Kiladze
Choreographer: Michael Getman
Dancer: Natia Bunturi
Music: Nathalie Basilaia
Camera: Saba Shengelia
Editing: Giorgi Tavshavadze
Animation: Ana Chaduneli
Producer: Mariam Jikia